Since we're going to be spending ten weeks in Germany this fall, The Wife and I took six weeks of intensive German classes this summer. Before the classes, I knew almost no German, except for a few phrases from comic books (i.e. Nightcrawler) and WWII movies. Now, I know enough German to realize that there's way too much grammar in German. (Whose idea was grammatical gender, anyway? Could I take a pass on that?) Anyway, over the course of the class I kept track of German words that I thought were, well, funny-sounding. [If you're German, you might want to bail out now before I make fun of your language.]
The top five:
Kleiderschrank 'wardrobe, armoire' (lit. 'clothes-closet')
This one's just fun to say, especially if you really lay into the uvular /r/. Try it with me: Ja, das ist ein Kleiderschrrrrrank. I like it because it sounds very German, and it feels like it could mean anything. Now, whenever I find myself reaching for a word and failing to find it, I substitute Kleiderschrank.Flugzeug 'airplane' (lit. 'fly-thing')
A fine example of the formation of a technical term by compounding basic German vocabulary instead of borrowing from Latin or Greek. Why say something vaguely foreign-sounding like aero-plane when you can say fly-thing?Krankenschwester 'nurse' (lit. 'sick-sister')
This one is self-explanatory. It would never have occurred to me to call a nurse a sick sister—thanks, Germans! I asked our teacher what they call a male nurse in Germany, thinking it might be Krankenbruder, but no such luck. Apparently, the non-gender-specific term is Krankenwärter.Mannschaft 'team'
OK, I know this is juvenile, but I think this word is awesome. That mannschaft is very strong. It is my favorite mannschaft. See? That never gets old. Best of all, it also has the meaning 'crew' in the nautical sense, which means there's a chance it might be possible to translate the pun in my favorite joke about submarines—you know, the one whose punchline is "long and hard and full of seamen".Brustwarze 'nipples'
A Spaniard, a Frenchman, and a German are arguing about which of their native tongues is the most beautiful. The Spaniard say, "Spanish is the most beautiful. Think of the Spanish word for butterfly: mariposa." The Frenchman says, "Ah, but what about ze French word: papillon. Surely French is ze most beautiful!" The German says, "OK, you got me, the German word for butterfly is schmetterling, which I admit is lame—but that's not the half of it. I swear to God, we call nipples 'breast-warts'. Seriously! German is full of stuff like that. You have no idea."
Hihi, it's always funny to hear what others think of German or Germany ...
But actually, there is no non-gender-specific term for nurse*.
Female nurses are called "Krankenschwester", male nurses are called "Krankenpfleger". But I think that recently, the - official - name for the profession of female nurses is "Krankenpflegerin". "-in" is the generic female suffix for people.
Greetings from Germany :-)
* that's always complicated with job titles: the word "Lehrer" (teacher) is a male word. The corresponding female term is "Lehrerin". So, in order to speak correctly, when you mean every teacher, you have to say "Lehrerinnen und Lehrer" (plural). But since this is very long and uncomfortable, some people write "LehrerInnen" as abbreviation. Some other people say, that "Lehrer" just means both, the female and male teachers ... Well ... complicated ;-)
Posted by: nils | August 21, 2006 at 02:33 AM
mairposa should be mariposa, of course.
Posted by: Der Typografischerrorkorrektionsmann | August 21, 2006 at 10:55 AM
Furthermore, with 'Krankenschwester' u.s.w., the genitive plural article 'der' of 'Kranken' is implied (i.e. 'Schwester der Kranken'); this sounds pretty straightforward to me.
Posted by: Stefan | August 21, 2006 at 12:20 PM
Tensor, since you mention Nightcrawler: Foreign languages in American comics are more often than not spotty affairs, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Nightcrawler's German utterings are taking huge liberties with the language - Nightcrawler's howlers, so to speak (smile).
There are also a couple of issues of Alan Moore's Tom Strong where erratic German is used. (Tom Strong battles - in this series' ironic spirit - Nazi villains.)
In Joe Casey's amusing "Godland" one of the main protagonists' name was spelled "Freidrich Nickelhead" for nearly 10 issues. Meanwhile the correct spelling "Friedrich" is being used.
Posted by: FrF | August 21, 2006 at 04:26 PM
I thought "a submarine" was the punchline.
Posted by: Neal Whitman | August 21, 2006 at 07:11 PM
If you like Flugzeug, you might also like Fahrzeug (vehicle), Spielzeug (toy), and Werkzeug (tool).
Posted by: Andrew | August 22, 2006 at 09:13 PM
I was thinking of using Spielzeug until I remembered plaything, which kind of takes the wind out of its sails.
Posted by: The Tensor | August 22, 2006 at 10:46 PM
I like Wolfsschlucht for its incredible concatenation of consonants.
Posted by: theophylact | August 25, 2006 at 05:48 PM
Posted by: David Moles | August 28, 2006 at 10:20 AM
did you just say concatenation?
Posted by: Eavan | August 30, 2006 at 04:17 PM
My favorite -zeug word is Schlagzeug (hit thing)
for percussion instruments.
My favorite string of consonants was in a word
I saw on a sign for cherries that you picked
yourself off the trees: selbstpflücken.
Posted by: Tom Ace | September 09, 2006 at 10:21 AM
lol, u lot r funny
Posted by: i'drathernot | March 19, 2007 at 11:47 AM
whoever said kleiderschrank was a gd word for replacing others, i find that verbesserung is better
Posted by: lkfidfugbskla | March 19, 2007 at 11:51 AM
my favorite word is
Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher (Philip's screw driver, lit. cross-slit-screw-puller)
seriously.. it rocks
Posted by: | June 24, 2007 at 01:44 AM
flesh (fleisch) for meat.
schnellzeug (fastthing) for express-train
Posted by: paperpusher | June 24, 2007 at 02:55 AM
@everyone: I hate to spoil the fun, but Zeug does NOT mean "thing". If anything, it means something like "stuff", but even that is a fairly recent development. It originally meant something like "equipment", which accounts for most of the uses you mention here (you can still see this use in the word Zeugmeister, which refers to someone in charge of equipment).
@paperpusher: the word for "express train" is Schnellzug, where Zug means "train". The word Schnellzeug does not exist, nor would it be a possible coinage, since all words ending in -zeug take a verb stem or a noun stem as their first constituent.
Posted by: Frank | July 01, 2007 at 11:54 PM
When I studied German in high school, we used the word Eichhörnchen (squirrel) to replace words we couldn't remember. Try saying it repeatedly on a fast pace - what could be more fun?
Posted by: Marjut | August 14, 2007 at 04:19 PM
My favorite was always funkelnagelneu(r) -- 'brand spanking new' Rolls right off the tongue.
Posted by: Barzotti | August 31, 2007 at 02:14 PM
My favorite was always funkelnagelneu(r) -- 'brand spanking new' Rolls right off the tongue.
Posted by: Barzotti | August 31, 2007 at 02:15 PM
I think the best one has got to be 'winkelmesser' or protractor in English
Posted by: paul | November 04, 2007 at 02:31 PM
Flight-stuff. ("Equipment" is not a meaning that people are aware of. And somewhere along the Rhine Zeug means "clothes".)
Yes, this is historically correct, but only linguists ever notice. That's because for most such compound words it's not straightforward anymore. Take Sonnenschein "sunshine": it once was der Sonnen Schein "the sun's shine" (incidentally, this word order is purely poetic today), but nowadays, der Sonnen would be interpreted as "the suns'", plural, because the -n has been reanalyzed as a plural marker. The genitive singular today is der Sonne. So, what the naive native speaker knows about making compound nouns is that the first noun has to be turned into a prefix by adding nothing, -n or -s in an unpredictable fashion.
German has way too few different endings for its grammar! Everything is -e, -en or -n...
I'm Austrian, BTW.
Posted by: David Marjanović | September 04, 2008 at 04:32 PM
"Angle measurer".
Posted by: David Marjanović | September 04, 2008 at 04:34 PM
These are some of my favorites:
Bürgermeister- mayor
Pampelmuse- grapefruit
Doof- stupid
Schlange- snake
Schlampe- slut
Moin moin!- a Fischkopf (northern German) greeting meaning hello
Kreuzspinne- spider
Posted by: Di | December 24, 2008 at 04:51 PM
Machig which means mushy is the best word. It enhances any sentence instantly!
Posted by: Ellen | April 07, 2009 at 09:18 PM
My favourite is regenbogen (ray-gen-bow-gen). It means rainbow :)
Posted by: zzz | May 31, 2009 at 07:21 PM
Two I like.
1) Glove = der Handschuh
2) birth control pill = die Antibabypille
Posted by: Octopus Grigori | June 09, 2009 at 02:08 PM
Top dirty sounding German words
hell - bright
damit - with it
dick - fat
Fuchs - fox
Schlange - snake
Fahrt - (noun)drive or ride
Mannschaft - team
sich entpuppen - nope, not "to poop yourself", rather to turn out to be something unexpected
bekannt - well known
Posted by: Günther Leichengau | September 03, 2009 at 02:44 PM
My favourite German words:
1. Schildkroete
shield - creature aka a tortoise!
2. Luftkissenfahrzeug
air - pillow - travel - thing aka a hovercraft!
Love it. Am using the Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher as the word of the week for my year 7 German class tomorrow!
Posted by: jennifer liebchen | December 08, 2009 at 08:22 AM
grosse lange hose schlange ;)
Posted by: ricky | January 04, 2010 at 01:19 PM
Did you ever try to pronounce that one: "Streichholzschächtelchen"
It is a belittlement of the word of "Streichholzschachtel" (= match box).
I looove to make Americans saying that word :)
Posted by: Cornelia | January 08, 2010 at 09:24 AM
I haven't spoken much German since I left school 10 years ago, but I've never forgotten Ausgebauten Dachgeschoss (attic conversion). I memorised it for an exam. I still enjoy saying it to myself under my breath.
Posted by: Aoife | March 23, 2010 at 01:45 PM
Schnauzbart = mustache
Schlafsack = sleeping bag
Augenbraugen = Eyebrows
Ellenbogen = Elbows
Posted by: Nelly | September 15, 2010 at 07:56 AM
try this: Schilddrüsenüberfunktion
it means "thyroid hyperfunction". i'm german and it's my favourite word ^^
but i know another nice term for something you don't remember: Dingenskirchen. "ding(ens)" means thing, and "kirchen" is a popular ending for a town, such as "ville" in english
Posted by: Simon | December 17, 2010 at 12:28 PM
The German word for a male nurse is Krankenpfleger (Krank meaning sick and Pfleger, from the German verb pflegen, meaning one who tends to things).
Posted by: Lloydster9000 | May 19, 2011 at 05:52 AM
Danke schoen fuer deine information. I lived in Germany from 1980-1988 and myself and one of my coworkers (he took German in high school for three years, and actually speaks quite well, considering it was in fact high school
German, and he has recently turned 20, asked me today the German word for nurse. I told him Krankenschwester, he then asked what was a male nurse called and I was stunned. I did not know. I consider myself to be fairly fluent in the language but had never heard the word for a male nurse. I don't get to speak German much anymore but I also love the way that they name things what they are no matter how long the actual word itself becomes, such as the word Strassenbahnhaltestelle. A 23 letter long word that means streetcar stop. There are only 26 letters in the entire alphabet. Ich liebe deutsch, tschuess!
Posted by: Danielle | August 24, 2012 at 06:21 PM