The "Mushroom Planet," visited by the protagonists David and Chuck, is covered in various types of mushrooms and is populated by little green people who are in a state of distress. (from here)
Was it made into a cartoon or something? 'Cause I think the story can be interpreted in various ways, but I don't get it. It doesn't seem very touching to me.
Pirooz, Tehran, Iran
Posted by: Pirooz | January 19, 2008 at 03:38 PM
Perhaps equally improbable is the fact that I read these books as a child and just rediscovered them on your blog, of all places. Haven't given them a thought in the better part of two decades, but no sooner had I read your sentence, it hit me. I can distinctly recall their size and shape, their covers, and even where they were located in the public library I frequented as a kid (back before they built that fancy new one, as it happens).
Alas, it will be a few more decades before I can read them again for free via Project Gutenberg. I'll get to work on my own scrap and tin spaceship in the meantime...
Posted by: rikker | January 20, 2008 at 07:28 AM
I think I also read this book when I was a boy. The idea of building a spaceship out of scraps was sort of an obsession for me as I was growing up, as well as making a robot out of coffee cans. Did David and Chuck to that as well?
Posted by: Pious Agnostic | January 20, 2008 at 10:50 AM
Same here. Except I read them as a girl, obviously. But I hadn't thought of them in decades.
Posted by: The Ridger | January 20, 2008 at 12:19 PM