The "Mushroom Planet," visited by the protagonists David and Chuck, is covered in various types of mushrooms and is populated by little green people who are in a state of distress. (from here)
The "Mushroom Planet," visited by the protagonists David and Chuck, is covered in various types of mushrooms and is populated by little green people who are in a state of distress. (from here)
For squeadlies, mash on the trembalo. For meadlies, tone up on your chord surpassers.
"Hardly surprising, since the second is the first's time-travelling daughter from an alternate future."
Of course—what could be more natural?
(From the entry on the psychic nosebleed at the TV Tropes Wiki. Bonus points if you knew which characters were being referred to before following the links.)
I dare you to successfully parse this sentence:
"Sleestak of Lady, That’s My Skull reviews it here."
(From this post at Comics Should Be Good.)
"Hold the newsreader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers."
This is from a hilarious sketch by Fry and Laurie (via), which you can watch after the jump.
"...the human race's greatest repository of pro wrestling holds and anime-based knowledge..."
(A description of Wikipedia from the latest in a series of scathing reviews of the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter comic book series. I'm embarrassed to admit that I read the first eight or so of the novels the comic book is based on, wondering all the while how each one could be more awful than the last. But I'm proud to admit that I stopped reading the series at least four novels before The Wife did—for such is my exquisite sensitivity to downward spirals in literary quality.)
"They press it, and all the food (in the turd) goes away. All that remains is the sweat, the shit with the sweat in it. Then they scratch it."
"For example, one swallower lacerated his pharynx when trying to swallow a curved sabre, a second lacerated his oesophagus and developed pleurisy after being distracted by a misbehaving macaw on his shoulder, and a belly dancer suffered a major haemorrhage when a bystander pushed dollar bills into her belt causing three blades in her oesophagus to scissor." (from here, via, via)
"It was at this time that Yoko became aware of her unusually powerful vaginal muscles."
From this (possibly NSFW) article. (via)
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