First, a heads-up: I've switched this blog's RSS feed over to FeedBurner, so please point your RSS reader to the new URL, To encourage you to do so, I've changed the old RSS feeds to contain only an excerpt of each post, but don't worry, the new feed contains the full text as before.
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To grow, blogs depend on links from other sites. If nobody else ever adds you to their blogroll or links to you posts, it's very hard to increase your readership—there's always a steady trickle of search-engine hits, but recommendations and links from other bloggers seem to result in more visitors, more of whom eventually become regular readers. Over the last month, I've been fortunate to receive links from four big bloggers, and I thought it might be interesting to analyze the traffic that resulted from each link.
[Fair warning: this post will be mostly inside baseball—bug out now if you're not interested in the gory details of blog stats.]
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I've recently been mulling over a significant change to this blog, and I figured I'd write a bit about it and see if anyone had any thoughts or advice. The short version is, I've been thinking of adding Google ads. Now don't panic yet—they're not going to be in your face and all over the place. In fact, if you're a regular reader of this blog, you'll almost certainly never see them.
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As I mentioned around this time last year, I'm not exactly sure of this blog's date of birth because I posted for a week or two before opening it to the public. However, it was definitely before February 16th, 2004, because that's the date on the first comment and the first trackback. That makes two years and counting, which I find hard to believe but gratifying.
Continue reading "Looking Backward: 2006" »
It's navel-gazing time. On two separate occasions, I've opened posts with:
If you're like me (and why wouldn't you be?)...
When I realized I'd accidentally come up with the same (briliant!) line twice, I began to wonder if someone else had ever used it. Fortunately, we live in the Age of Google, so I didn't have to wonder for long.
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The most important stage of my (as yet non-existent) master plan for turning this blog into a media powerhouse is figuring out exactly what sort of products my audience of literally dozens of faithful readers tends to buy. I recently discovered that Amazon's search engine Alexa provides exactly that information, and I thought I'd share it with you. Can you stand the excitement?
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Site Meter is one of a number of web sites that provides stat counters for web pages, including blogs. This allows the owner of a site to find out how many visits the site receives, what days of the week have the most visitors, and so forth. What's more, it can provide some interesting information about the software and hardware of the site's visitors: their country, time zone, default language, operating system, and so forth. Earlier I was looking at one of these statistics for visitors to this site, namely the monitor resolution, when I noticed something odd.
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